Given the increased demand, pressure on staff, and cost challenges in healthcare recently, the need for imaging that's accurate and trustworthy has never been greater. The new Philips Spectral CT 7500 works to fight those challenges by being the most efficient and precise machine on the market.
The Spectral CT 7500 system provides you with a fast, low-dose path to precision diagnosis - allowing for spectral scanning for all of the following patient types:
- Cardiac care
- Emergency radiology
- Oncology
- Interventional radiology
- Radiation Oncology
The Spectral CT 7500 will give you the capability to convert deep clinical data into valuable diagnostic information using simple, routine scanning with seamless integration of spectral data into your reading environment. This system delivers spectral results 100% of the time within 1 to 2 minutes, allowing your team to get valuable insights when you need them most.
Displayed below, CARTI Cancer Center was able to see noticeable improvements in diagnosis times while utilizing the Spectral CT 7500:
The system includes advanced cardiac capabilities such as AI-enabled motion-free cardiac scanning.
The CT 7500 will consistently give your team the ability to do the following and more:
- Realize full FOV cardiac scanning
- Access new spectral cardiac results
- Reduce calcium blooming for more precise measurement of calcified plaque and lumen diameter
- Differentiate between left atrial appendage thrombus and filling defect
- Reduce beam-hardening artifacts for more effective assessment of myocardial perfusion
With the Philips Spectral CT 7500, prepare to provide a new standard of care, without any trade-offs.
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